Abstract Character, Part 1

Abstract Character, Part 1


Abstract Character, Part 1, gansai tambi paint on cotton rag shizen paper, 5” x 7”

Painted in Korea using traditional gansai tambi Japanese paints, this Abstract Character series is inspired by Korean characters. Made up of 3 paintings, this series reflects on the dichotomy between communicative functionality and abstract artistry. An emphasis on linear simplicity brings structure to these paintings while colorful blue lines and sage markings add a liveliness to the shapes. Deep black watercolor tones suggest solidarity and purpose. The Abstract Character series extracts the use of characters from communicative utility to bring awareness to their artistic beauty.

Created on acid-free recycled 100% cotton rag paper, this painting is varnished and ready to ship in its beautiful wood tone frame and white matting. Please allow 1 week of processing and packaging time for this painting before shipping.

Overall Framed Size: 9” x 11”

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